Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Create Free Copyright To Protect Your Creativity


Piracy is a biggest threat to creativity .
You code a Beautiful pattern or Web Template Or
Write a touchy Poem . The following week you login to surf and get to ,see the same Pattern or Template or Poem on a different website or blog with a lot of Advertisements .And to add to your frustration the content on the new website is protected by "Copyright" .

Have you ever suffered , due to this ?
If not , Do you wish to Suffer in future ?
Answer is absolutely "NO" .

I am writing this blog not only for the people of my country , but also for a bigger audience throughout the world .Please license your work to prevent thefts .
Follow the simple steps and get yourself protected :-

1) Click on the Following URL :-

2) Click on the Link "The Lincenses" under "Information" .
Please refer to the above snapshot .

3) The above screen would appear .
Please click the Link "Lincense your Work" marked in Green .

4) The above screen would appear after this .
Now you have to provide correct  details for the Fields :-
i) Tell us the Format of your work  ?
ans : This depends upon the type of blog you are upto .

ii) Title of the work ?
NOTE - Please refer to the first screenshot of this blog .
My blog title is "Develop Your India" .
ans : "Develop Your India" . (In my case)

iii)  Attribute work to name ?
This refers to the name of the Blog creator or author .
ans : "Nitin Bhatnagar"   (In my case)

iv) Attribute wok to URL ?
This refers to the URL of your home page .
ans : http://www.developmyindia.blogspot.com/ ( in my case)

5) After filling all these fields - click on Button "Select a License" .
The above screen would appear . Email the HTML code to your email address as shown above , so that you can refer it for the future use as well .

6) The code looks similar to the above html code marked in Green .

You can us it anywhere in your blog .I generally prefer to put this at the bottom of the blog , so that it looks more professional .

I would like to make it little more easy for my Blog spot members .

7) Sign In  to your Blog .

8) Navigate to the Tab - > "Design"  and then "Edit HTML".
Please refer to the above snapshot  .

9) This would open the HTML source of your template .
Place the HTML before the tag "/html" .
Refer to the snapshot above .

CAUTION - When you copy the html from your email . You do not include the "." DOT at the end .
Also Preview your Template before publishing it .
Do not use any HTML braces

WHERE WOULD IT APPEAR  : Just refer to any of my 3 blogs . Go right at the bottom of the Blogs .
You would get to know the look and feel of the "Copyright" .

i) http://www.developmyindia.blogspot.com/
ii) http://www.backpackerinfo.blogspot.com/
iii) http://www.foodbays.blogspot.com/
Creative Commons License
Develop Your India by Nitin Bhatnagar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License